VET Student Loans

Funding your study

endota Wellness College is an approved provider of VET Student Loans. VET Student Loans is an income contingent loan program to assist eligible Vocational Education and Training (VET) students to pay their tuition fees, for selected courses at the Diploma level and above. 

Am I eligible for a VET Student Loan?

Only eligible students will be approved for a VET Student Loan. You are eligible if you:

    • Are an Australian citizen or permanent humanitarian visa holder (resident in Australia for the duration of the unit); or are a qualifying New Zealand citizen.

    • AND Are a full fee-paying/fee for service or government subsidised student studying a diploma, advanced diploma, graduate certificate or graduate diploma level course at an approved VET Student Loan provider; 

    • AND Have not exceeded the HELP limit (see below); 

    • AND Meet the tax file number (TFN) requirements: OR if you don’t have a TFN you can give your provider a Certificate of Application for a TFN. This certificate is available from the Australian Taxation Office after you have applied for a TFN.

    • AND Provide a copy of your Senior Secondary School Certificate (Year 12 Certificate); or an International Baccalaureate Diploma; or an Australian Quality Framework Certificate IV qualification or higher, at a level in a framework that preceded the AQF that is equivalent to level 4 or above; or display competence in numeracy and reading at the Australian Core Skills Framework (ASCF) exit level 3.


Students repay their loan to the Government through the tax system, once they earn the minimum threshold level for repayment, which is $54,435 for the 2024-25 income year.  

A VET Student Loan remains a personal debt obligation until it is repaid. It may reduce your take-home (net) wage or salary, may affect your borrowing capacity until the debt is repaid.

You may wish to seek independent financial advice prior to applying for a loan. If eligible, in 2025 you may borrow up to $18,838 for SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy at endota Wellness College.

Schedule of tuition fees

Download the current fee schedule:

Schedule of Tuition Fees 2025

Schedule of Tuition Fees 2024

Schedule of Tuition Fees 2023

Approved diploma programs

SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy


Need more information?

Get in touch with our friendly student liaison team today to learn more about your eligibility for VET student loan

The government website can also help with more information about your qualification.

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